21st World Rose Convention 2028

List of Founder Members

History of M.P. Rose Society

Following Rose loving personalities have contributed their might for the progress of the Rose Society. Many our fellow rosarians are no more but thier kind deeds are enshrined in our hearts and those sweets memories of thier company are still fresh in our mind: (Note : W.C. of R.S. has a tenure of two years Chief patron is always Governor of M.P.)

MP Rose Society
1979-1980 & 1980-1981

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
C.M. Poonacha 20/9/78 to 29/4/80

Mr. Maj Fajal Mohd. Khan

Vice President:
Late Tribhavan Yadav S.K. Bhattacharya

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. A.R. Khan

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. M.P. Shrivastava

Late Dr. S.K. Diwan

Members of Working Committee:
Late. Shyam Bharose, Late. S. Moshin Ali, Afaq Ahmed, A.K. Ghosh, Harbhajan Singh, Dr. N.J. Upadhaya, Mrs. Solva.

MP Rose Society
1981-1982 & 1982-1983

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Bhagwat Dayal Sharma 30/4/80 to 14/8/84

Mr. Maj Fajal Mohd. Khan

Vice President:
Late Tribhavan Yadav, Late Mannan Saleem

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. A.R. Khan

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. M.P. Shrivastava

Late Dr. S.K. Diwan

Members of Working Committee:
Late. Shyam Bharose, Late. S. Moshin Ali, Afaq Ahmed, A.K. Ghosh, Harbhajan Singh, Dr. N.J. Upadhaya, Mrs. Solva.T.N. Parakh, Mihir Sen, H.M. Chouhan, Late. J.S. Thakur, Late. K.S. Mathur, S.K.Bhattacharya

MP Rose Society
1983-1984 & 1984-1985

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Bhagwat Dayal Sharma 30/4/80 to 14/8/84

Late Tribhavan Yadav

Vice President:
Late J.K. Verma, Late Mannan S.Khan

Hon. Secretary:
Late S.R. Saraf

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Prof. Afaque Ahmed

Mr. Harbhanjan Singh

Members of Working Committee:
Major Fajal Mohd. Khan, A.R. Khan, Late. Shyam Bharose, S.K. Bhattachary, Smt. Kushal Jain, Vijay Nahar, Late. J.S. Thakur, M.K. Vyas, G.Z. Khan, M.P. Shrivastava

MP Rose Society
1985-1986 & 1986-1987

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Prof. K.M. Chaudy 15/8/84 to 30/3/89

Late J.K. Verma (I.A.S) Retd.

Vice President:
Mr. A.R. Khan, Late J.S.Thakur

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. S.L. Pandey

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. M.K. Vyas

Mr. Harbhanjan Singh

Members of Working Committee:
Major Fajal Mohd. Khan, Late. Tribhuvan Yadav, Late. Shyam Bharosey, Late. Mannan Saleem Khan, Late. S.R. Saraf, G.Z. Khan, B.K. Shrivastava, Late. Nitin Mehta, B.S. Dushe, Neelabh Shrivastava, Vijay Nahar

MP Rose Society
1987-1988 & 1988-1989

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Prof. K.M. Chaudy 15/8/84 to 30/3/89

V.K. Seth I.F.S. retd.

Vice President:
Mr. Giriraj Kishore, Mr. A.R. Khan

Hon. Secretary:
Late Nitin Mehta

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. Harbhanjan Singh

Mr. B.K. Shrivastava

Members of Working Committee:
Major Fajal Mohd. Khan, A.R. Khan, Late. J.K. Verma, Late. Shyam Bharose, Late. Rajendra Malhotra, Rajendra Kothari, Ramesh Maheshwari, S.S. Gadre, J.T. Dikey, S.L. Pandey, B.L. Kushwaha, Kamlesh Jaimini

MP Rose Society
1989-1990 & 1990-1991

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Smt. Serla Grewal 31/3/89 to 5/2/90
Mr. Kunwar Mehmood Ali Khan 6/2/90 to 23/3/93

Mr. Sudhir Ku. Mishra

Vice President:
Mr. Harbhajan Singh, Late Rajendra Malhotra

Hon. Secretary:
Late Nitin Mehta

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. A.K. Saraf

Mr. A.R. Khan

Members of Working Committee:
Late. V.K. Seth, Major Fajal Mohd. Khan, Late. J.K. Verma, Giriraj Kishore, Late. Shyam Bharose, Ramesh Maheshwar, Vijay Bora, L.U. Khan, Late. Khursheed Jehan, S.L. Pandey, M.K. Vyas, S. Sudhakar, B.S. Dushe, Late. Nitin Mehta

MP Rose Society
1991-1992 & 1992-1993

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Kunwar Mehmood Ali Khan 6/2/90 to 23/3/93

Mr. Sudhir Ku. Mishra

Vice President:
Mr. Harbhajan Singh, Late Nitin Mehta

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. A.R. Khan

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. A.K. Saraf

Mr. S.L. Pandey

Members of Working Committee:
Shri Vijay Bora, Major Fajal Mohd. Khan, Ramesh Maheshwar, Sushil Prakash, L.U. Khan, Late. D.C. Saxena, Late. Mannan Saleem, Javed Kamal, Late. Khursheed Jehan, M.K. Vyas, S. Sudhakar, B.S. Dushe

MP Rose Society
1993-1994 & 1994-1995

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Mohd. Shafi Qureshi 24/3/93 to 21/4/98

Mr. B.K. Shrivastava

Vice President:
Mr. P.C. Jain, Late Nitin Mehta

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. D.K. Saxena

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. Avinash Galande

Mr. S.L. Pandey

Members of Working Committee:
Sudhir Mishra, A.R. Khan, U.S. Shrivastava, R.S. Zanane, R.S. Yadav, Harbhajan Singh, Prakash Dubey, L.U. Khan, Ramesh Maheshwari, S.Sudhakar, B.S. Dushe, Bhagwati Prasad, Javed Kamal

MP Rose Society
1995-1996 & 1996-1997

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Mohd. Shafi Qureshi 24/3/93 to 21/4/98

Mr. B.K. Shrivastava

Vice President:
Mr. S.L. Pandey Asma Mannan

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. A.R. Khan

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. S.S. Gadre

Mr. Kavindra Singh

Members of Working Committee:
P.C. Jain, D.K. Saxena, Late. Nitin Mehta, U.S. Shrivastava, Sushil Prakash, Arun Saraf, Avinash Galande, D.K. Verma, R.S. Yadav, Pushpa Verma, B.S. Dushe, S.Sudhakar, Bhagwati Prasad

MP Rose Society
1997-1998 & 1998-1999

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Mohd. Shafi Qureshi 24/3/93 to 21/4/98

Mr. A.R. Khan

Vice President:
Mr. S.L. Pandey Mannan Saleem Khan

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. D.K. Verma

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. R.S. Yadav

Mr. Avinash Galande

Members of Working Committee:
Late. Nitin Mehta, Harbajan Singh, Late. Mannan S. Khan, P.V. Dingare, S.Sudhakar, Sushil Prakash, Shailesh Agarwal, B.K. Shrivastava

MP Rose Society
1999-2000, 2000-2001 & 2001-2002

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Dr. Bhai Mahavir 22/4/98 to 6/5/2003

Mr. Asma Mannan

Vice President:
Mr. D.K. Saxena, Mr. A.K. Singh

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. Avinash Galande

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. R.S. Yadav Bhagvati Prasad

Mr. Prakash Rai

Members of Working Committee:
A.R. Khan, D.K. Verma, S.L. Pandey, A.B. Hanffi, D.K. Verma, Kavindra Singh, Anil R. Sharma, Shashi Saxena, Ashok Gaur, Darshan Singh, Late. Mannan Saleem

MP Rose Society

Chief Patron (His Excellency):
Mr. Ram Prakash Gupta 7/5/2003

Mr. B.K. Shrivastava

Vice President:
Mr. Ashok Gaur Shashi Saxena

Hon. Secretary:
Mr. Sushil Prakash

Hon. Jt. Secretary:
Mr. P.V. Dingre

Mr. S.S. Gadre

Members of Working Committee:
Asma Mannan, A. Galande, R.S. Yadav, A.K. Verma, Bhagvati Prasad, D.K. Verma, Rajesh Raikwar, D.K. Saxena, B.S. Dushe

List of Founders Members

On the Invitation of Shri A.R. Khan (Late) following
18 persons
attended the First Meeting on 17-6-79 at Rose Cottage, Jehangirabad, Bhopal and resolved to form the Society.

  • Late. Mr. A.R. Khan
  • Major Fazal Mohd. Khan
  • Mrs. Shamim Rashid
  • Mr. Ranvir Singh
  • Major T.C. Sharma
  • Mr. A.S. Jafri
  • Mr. R.P. Poddar
  • Mr. Mrityunjoy Roy
  • Mr. S.L. Kushwah
  • Mr. B.S. Dushe
  • Late. J.S. Thakur
  • Mr. A.K. Gupta
  • Mr. S.K. Bhattacharjee
  • Smt. Sunila Diwan
  • Late. O.L. Mukati
  • Late. Dr. S.K. Diwan
  • Mr. J.G. Sawalkar
  • Late. Tribhuwan Yadav


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